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Optimize the performance of your web shop application (webinář v anglickém jazyce)

Datum a čas: přidat do kalendářepřidat do kalendáře čtvrtek 24. září 2015, 18:00 - 19:00
Místo: Online
Organizátor: Daniela Lišková- Microsoft
Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na webinář s tématem "Optimize the performance of your web shop application." Webinář trvá 1 hodinu a probíhá v anglickém jazyce. Přednášející: Lucian Daia, Lead Software Engineer, Zitec.

Program (v originále):
The performance of your application plays a pivotal role in the overall user experience. In this module, we will cover the basics of how you can both improve performance for each individual user, as well as making sure that you can scale to serve a multitude of users.
Finally, we will also examine a few third party services that you can use in order to off-load any responsibilities that you don't want to manage (and are not central to your application).

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Místo konání: Online