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.NET for VFP Developers

Datum a čas: přidat do kalendářepřidat do kalendáře čtvrtek 20. listopadu 2008, 17:00 - 19:00
Místo: Praha - Microsoft
Organizátor: Štěpán Bechynský- Microsoft
VFPConversion: .NET for VFP Developers

Speaker: Ken Levy

This session includes a detailed overview of strategies for VFP developers who are learning .NET, including resources, products, free tools, and services found at VFPConversion.com. VFPConversion.com brings together a team of experts to create the first web portal dedicated to the adoption of technology in addition to Visual FoxPro, in particular, Visual Studio and SQL Server. Visual FoxPro is a great tool, but so are Visual Studio (.NET) and SQL Server. The VFPConversion.com website contains various resources to support the FoxPro community in enhancing their Visual FoxPro applications and adopt the latest technologies available from Microsoft, or if desired in converting applications from FoxPro to the Microsoft .NET platform. Visual FoxPro is a powerful and flexible tool that's used for many mission-critical applications, however, EPS and our partners realize that many companies running VFP would like to migrate and don't know where to turn for advice. The VFPConversion.com portal gives developers a place to get help and advice about their migration needs. Additionally, EPS offers a suite of conversion tools that automate the most painstaking areas of conversion from Visual FoxPro to .NET which drastically reduce the development time required.


Bonus: Beyond VFP 9.0  

Speaker: Ken Levy

In this special bonus presentation, Ken Levy will discuss a variety of Visual FoxPro related topics. These topics will include VFP 9.0 service packs, Sedna, the open source community project VFPX, and the status of Visual FoxPro within Microsoft. Ken will also present an overview of a new VFP utility he has created called AppScanX, a data-driven code search utility. In conclusion, Ken will discuss future visions on Microsoft technologies, products, and services, and how VFP and VFP developers can play a role with them going forward into the next decade.

Migrujete z VFP na .NET? Podívejte se na http://vfpconversion.com/.

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Místo konání: Praha - Microsoft

Vyskočilova 1561/4a, 140 00 Praha 4

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Celkem je registrováno 18 účastníků.

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