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Vista and IE7 Readiness Tour

Datum a čas: přidat do kalendářepřidat do kalendáře pondělí 2. října 2006, 08:30 - 10:30
Místo: Praha - Microsoft
Organizátor: Štěpán Bechynský- Microsoft
Vista and IE7 Readiness Tour

Internet Explorer provides rich new experiences around three pillars: great user experience, secure/trustworthy browsing and powerful web developer platform. Learn how your sites can light up on Internet Explorer 7 by taking advantage of better HTML and CSS standards support, RSS, search integration, and new security features. We will also take a deep look at what you can do and how we can help to prepare your existing sites for IE7.

Windows Vista provides an extensive set of new APIs that enable enhanced security, new user experiences and new ways to connect to information. While much of this functionality is delivered in the .NET Framework 3.0, there are also a large number of features being exposed through native COM and Win32 APIs. During this session we’ll highlight many of these new native APIs, and look at strategies and techniques for taking advantage of them from managed code. Learn what's really involved in making your .NET application "light up on Windows Vista" with User Account Control (UAC) awareness, integrated desktop search, and new Windows Vista User Experience features like common file dialogs, task dialogs and command links.

Registrace a detalní infomace: http://www.microsoft.com/cze/events/readinesstour/default.mspx

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Místo konání: Praha - Microsoft

Vyskočilova 1561/4a, 140 00 Praha 4

POZOR, Microsoft se od října 2015 přestěhoval!

Stále sídlí v BB Centru, ovšem nikoliv v budově Alpha, ale v budově Delta. Ta se nachází přibližně 200 m na východ od původního sídla.